
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Photo Wall

I've finally moved on from decorating the living room/ the home office. I've been thinking about what I should do for a while now, mostly because I really didn't have a clue lol. This photo wall is pretty much a combination of a bunch of ideas that have been rolling around in my head for a while now (they just didn't work in the spaces I was working with previously)...but all came together perfectly here.

I was at Hobby Lobby picking up the gazelle (on the right wall, I spray painted it white...I love these animal heads that are so in now...I just had to have one. Only $12.50 as compared to around $100 on the modern decorating sites!) and started thinking about what I was going to do on the wall around it. So, I've been wanting to do the fabric thing (on a wall somewhere in the house) and this turned out to be the perfect opportunity. I ended up getting yellow and grey, chevron patterned fabric. So, the plan was... mount the gazelle, make and hang all different sized fabric boards and hang different sized picture frames.

First thing was to create a template. I measured the area of the walls I'd be working with and "made" the walls in an excel doc. I found the center of each wall (for the gazelle and the plate) and went from there. Here's how I mapped out the placement of each object.

Left Wall
 Right Wall
 The white boxes are the frames, light grey for the centerpieces, yellow and dark grey for the fabric boards.

I cut plywood (we used as our countertops last year before we had the granite installed lol) for the fabric wall boards, in different shapes and sizes.

I painted each board white so nothing would show through the fabric. 

I then covered each board with fabric, securing it with staples. I put the fabric on the horizontal shapes so the pattern went vertical and vice versa fot the vertical shapes. Next was to place sawtooth hangers on the back of each fabric board for hanging.

The picture frames were purchased at Ikea. I also found a cool bamboo plate, while browsing Ikea's website, that I thought would be perfect for the centerpiece for the left wall.

I forgot to take a picture of the wall before the fabric boards went up but, what I'm trying to show here is that I made "paper frames" and taped them to the wall first. That way I could be sure that the placement of each fabric board would look good and correctly spaced on the wall...which they all did!

Another benefit of the paper templates of the frames is that hanging the frames was much easier. All I had to do was make a mark on the paper where I had to put the nail, hammer the nail in place and remove the paper...made hanging all these frames super easy.

Here's what the walls look like with everything in place. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out!!! Just have to print pictures for the frames and it will be complete.



  1. What kind of pics are you going to put in your frames. I loved those nature shots you had in the other bedroom...

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